

的 校董会 has approved an exciting new budget for Metropolitan State University of 丹佛, highlighted by employee compensation increases and strategic investments that will catalyze our enrollment momentum as we launch the University forward. After charting the course out of the pandemic with the “Recover, Stabilize, LAUNCH!2021年的预算框架, we are now realizing the early returns of our efforts and building off that hard work.

None of this would have been possible without the tremendous work of the University Planning and Budget Advisory Council, which includes representatives from all academic and administrative branches. 当皇冠官网网站过渡到a strategic budgeting process that is more inclusive and transparent, I charged UPBAC with building on the investments of the past two years to launch the University into new opportunities, 2024财政年度的优先事项如下:

  • 投资于人
  • 有用的东西(STWs)
  • 持续的动力
  • 在学生所在的地方会见他们
  • 师资队伍建设
  • 注重创新和效率


的 budget that I presented to and was approved by the board last week largely mirrors UPBAC的建议, beginning with a big investment in that first priority – our people. All faculty members and non-classified professional employees will receive a 4% across-the-board pay raise 7月1日生效 or on the next faculty contract date.

I also proposed to the board a one-time bonus for every faculty member and non-classified professional employee this fall, should student retention exceed budget projections by enough to cover the additional pay. We will assess retention data later this fall and if it supports such an increase, we will give out lump-sum payments from a pool that could be up to 1% of employee payroll.

与此同时, 机密雇员将获得5%的加薪, 7月1日生效, 今年早些时候州议会已经批准了.

密歇根州立大学丹佛分校也将规定最低员工工资为41美元,626, 丹佛一个成年人的最低生活工资是多少, according to the MIT Living Wage Calculator for the 丹佛-Aurora-Lakewood metro.

的se increases will help ensure the University can offer competitive wages that appropriately compensate our highly educated workforce, while supporting our strategic focus on meeting students where they are and retaining them. 从今年夏天开始, we will conduct a more comprehensive compensation study to inform salary adjustments in next year’s budget.


密歇根州立大学丹佛分校将增加5%的学费和学生费用, which aligns with increases at other Colorado universities and the parameters set forth by the state legislature. This is necessary to maintain the University mission while fairly compensating employees amid rising costs. 学费 increases will only apply to incoming students; returning students will pay the same tuition rates as they did this year thanks to the 学费锁定保证 2022年实施. 额外的经济援助项目,如 走鹃承诺, will continue to offer free and reduced tuition to students with the greatest need, 符合皇冠官网网站大学的价值观.

保留是学生成功的最大关键. Smart investments that improve retention will benefit our students and our budget long term. 去年, 因为皇冠官网网站面临着招生趋势的一个关键拐点, we identified “Stuff That Works” – recruiting and retention initiatives designed to bend our enrollment curve. We’ll continue funding these strategies such as the 走鹃承诺, 并发招生, Pathways to Possible and other innovative initiatives with more than $5 million this fiscal year as we further evaluate the return on investment that they provide. That analysis will help us determine whether to build these programs into the base budget in future fiscal years.

与此同时, this budget dedicates nearly $2 million to support student success in other ways, 包括最多1美元.3 million in funding for the new College of Aerospace, Computing, Engineering and Design. We are also sustaining momentum by allocating funds for diversity programs, government affairs support and important infrastructure improvements.


作为平衡预算过程的一部分, UPBAC worked with all the University branches to reduce base budgets by $8.8 million and planned on an additional $5 million in underspending based on historical budgeting trends. In addition to a potential one-time bonus for employees mentioned above, revenue from better-than-predicted retention could be used to rebuild the University’s reserves, 哪些在大流行期间部分耗尽.

在这个过渡预算年度, we are also preparing budget-neutral guidelines to address faculty capacity and workload. 的 教员工作量专责小组 在确定前进道路方面取得了巨大进展吗, including work to begin balancing workloads by reprioritizing departmental budgets. 与此同时, our new budget model facilitates a more strategic and transparent process, 还有多年的预算计划, that will allow us to evaluate fiscally sound faculty-workload strategies moving forward.

If you want to learn more about this year’s budget or our new budgeting process and annual planning timeline, 请查看下面的参考资料.

更多信息也可在 UPBAC SharePoint网站.

I want to thank UPBAC again for its thoughtful work and everyone who provided input that informed the budget recommendations. Leaders leading at all levels of the University make a huge difference in our ability to fulfill our mission. 因为皇冠官网网站力求更加透明, 策略性和分散式预算, please continue to engage in this process and encourage others to do the same. Your expertise and energy make this work better, and together we can launch 密歇根州立大学丹佛 forward!


